If you’ve ever had to downsize from a bigger kitchen to a smaller one, or find yourself constantly battling to find your way through the endless bags and boxes as you do a clean out – then you’re going to love these hot tips on pantry storage:

Shelving: Install adjustable shelves to make the most of vertical space. Adjustable shelves allow you to customize the height between each level to accommodate items of different sizes.

Door Storage: Use the inside of the pantry door to hang organizers or racks for spices, foil, plastic wrap, or small utensils.

Clear Containers: Store dry goods like flour, sugar, and pasta in clear airtight containers. This not only keeps food fresh but also allows you to see what’s inside at a glance.

Pull-Out Baskets or Drawers: Install pull-out baskets or drawers to easily access items at the back of deep shelves. These are great for storing canned goods, snacks, or pots and pans.

Lazy Susans: Lazy Susans or turntables are excellent for storing condiments, oils, and other small items. They allow you to access items in the back without moving everything in front.

Under-Shelf Baskets: Utilize the space underneath existing shelves with under-shelf baskets or hanging organizers. These are ideal for holding smaller items like spices or kitchen utensils.

Stackable Bins and Crates: Use stackable bins or crates to create organized sections for different categories of items, such as snacks, baking supplies, or canned goods.

Labeling: Label containers, shelves, or bins to keep things organized and make it easy to find what you need quickly.

Hooks and Pegs: Install hooks or pegs on the inside of the pantry door or on the walls to hang items like aprons, oven mitts, or reusable shopping bags.

Zone Your Pantry: Group similar items together in designated zones. For example, have a baking zone with all baking supplies, a breakfast zone with cereals and breakfast items, and so on. This makes it easier to find what you’re looking for and maintain order.

By implementing these space-saving strategies, you can make the most of your pantry’s storage capacity and keep it organized and functional.

If you have any great pantry and kitchen space tips to share please do and THANK YOU for sharing.