Steph is a dedicated professional and loving mother who has called New Zealand home since her emigration from the UK in 1974. Throughout her life, she has embraced the joys and responsibilities of raising a blended family of eight children and four grandchildren, with the hopeful expectation of welcoming more cherished additions in the future.

More than a QbE Life Coach…
Professional History
With a diverse background spanning sales, office administration, design, management, and hypnotherapy, Steph has consistently been fascinated by the intricacies of human cognition, interpersonal dynamics, and the profound impact of our interactions. This fascination led her to pursue a career in hypnotherapy, where she discovered the transformative power and immediate relief it can offer to individuals.
The Struggle to Juggle

The Day the Dog Ate My breakfast!
The baby’s crying, the client’s waiting on Zoom, and the boss is on the warpath – again. It was not the easiest start to the day when the babysitter called in sick, and that critical presentation was brought forward by a week. You can do this – but some wisdom on the home front to get you through those confronting moments of ‘what did I do this for again?’ are threatening to overwhelm you.
Coaching, Resources, and Practical ideas…
If you’re considering going back to work, or already did and are struggling with the juggle, then a short course of coaching might be exactly what you need to maximise the opportunities in front of you, without losing your sanity over keeping all those balls in the air, dropping the guilt, and really enjoying the practical options of being a working mum. Why not start with joining in on a webinar one Saturday morning and connecting with Steph and other working mums so you’ll learn you’re not alone in the craziness of your life as a working mother.
First, Check out this Practical ‘Rescue Remedy’ and then sign up for the FREE Sessions Steph runs once a month on a Saturday morning. You can hang out with girls, learn some new tricks and maybe make some new friends too.